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Questions ending with NO ?

"I am correct No ?" or " I am correct Know ?"

This sentence asks if the speaker is correct. It is a translation from the speaker's Native language. The correct way to frame this sentence in English is:

"Am I correct ?" Or "I am correct. Aren't I ?"


  • "I can call you No ?" Or "I can call you Know ?"
Correct sentence: 
"Can I call you ?" Or "Can I call you now ?"

  • "You can help me No ?" Or "You can help me Know ?"
Correct sentence:
"Can you help me" Or "Will you help me ?" Or "You will help me, won't you ?"

Literal Translations:

Speakers of other native languages think in their first language (mother tongue).

They mentally translate thoughts from their native language to English. These thoughts are translated and spoken as English sentences.

Native English speakers think in English. Sentences are thought, created and spoken in English. 

Train the Brain:

To speak proper and fluent English, train the brain to think and create sentences in English.

Being surrounded by English helps the brain become familiar with English sentences and phrases. The more familiar a language is, it becomes easy to think and speak in it.

Thus, the speaker can easily move from "I am correct No ?" to "Am I correct ?" .


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